Darlington International Raceway, 8/31/2019
Sitting here, In the family home in Aiken SC, today, 31 August, 2019, I am watching our local channel 26-1 WAGT-DT, watching, with bated breath, the running of NASCAR at Darlington International Raceway in Darlington South Carolina.
With bated breath, you say, WHAT the HEY!! Well, you see, few people on this earth can say they have experience driving on that track, few people, indeed.
But I am one of those few.
You see, it was a clear blue sky day, in the mid 1970’s when I drove my for-sure “stock” car onto the track there at Darlington. And did that seem fine! I’d never been there before, (or since, for that matter) but that day was a “gold star” day in my book, and drive I did, as never before! And, of all the participants that day, I crossed that magic line FIRST !!!
Now none of you have probably heard of my feat before now, and there is a reason for that. You see, my reason for being there was highly personal, and, in the long run, quite profitable. Not as a race driver, though. For some reason, the powers that be (or were) had managed to obtain the use of that little white building on the inside of the track, adjacent to the track’s start/finish line to provide a unique test for myself and my cohort working to gain acceptance by the State of South Carolina, of us, as certified water or wastewater treatment plant operators in our fair State. The test I took was the first one, I believe, I had to take to become a certified operator (a test I passed with flying colors) in our state, a test which began a 20 year run of my own doing what I needed to do to provide for my family and provide water and wastewater treatment in our state and the state of Mississippi that would be acceptable and useful to its citizens and to their environment.
And I did my level best to begin that career at the President’s Office building at Darlington Raceway on that day back, as I said, in the mid 1970’s. Quite an accomplishment, and quite a day in my professional life. (And a pretty good story, wouldn’t you say?)
And thanks for reading this little tale on Morningbrain--Deux !!
Stephen V. Geddes, “A” Certified Operator, (Retired) Water and Wastewater (Biological and Physical-Chemical) Treatment. And, OH YES, Driver, on Darlington International Raceway, One Time, and One Time, Only !!!