Sunday, May 29, 2022

Shark Tank proposal? Sure!

 OK, so here it is:  I'm lying in my bed watching ABC's "Shark Tank" program and giving myself a little laugh, thinking "sure, they probably might invite you to drop by, if they might like to give the show, and their viewers, a little laugh!"  Their guests bring their businesses to the "sharks" to see what they might offer them to get a percentage of their businesses.  

So I think, I am an author, and I am selling a bit over Amazon (my book,) so what do you think a piece of that "pie" might be worth to one of these entrepreneurs?  I mean, just getting on their show is bound to bring in a good bit of interest in the book, and, who knows, given a few million sales, the winning "shark" just might be interested in raking in (say what?) a dollar a book, perhaps?  Well, that would be some pretty easy money for whomever won the prize of the night to participate in your book sale!

No doubt about it, I just might have to send them a proposal.

And why not?  I could end up with a TV appearance, and a pocket full of money to boot after a million or so of the viewers decide they just could not pass up the opportunity to read about the life of this little South Carolina boy!  All I need to do now is think about this a bit and develop a really great proposal to send to the folks at "Shark Tank!"

It's on every Saturday night, on ABC, and you really need to watch to join in on the fun!

And a big "Thank you" to all of you who can afford the eleven bucks for the book!

"Thank You!!!"

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

We, wee, oui, perhaps?


Which “we-“ isit ?

Dog and I went for our usual walk this morning, and all was well.  All is usually well on our walks, and generally the only thing that is needed is taken care of by one or the other of us rather simply.  You see, the main thing we need to do is generally done with a brief pause by the side of the road.  Or, really what I should have said is, a wee pause by the side of the road?  

This, though, is a bit ill-defined in that a wee pause, or a wee break can mean one of a couple of things.  The main question is “is that wee a noun, or an adjective?”  In one case a bit of material is left for the grass to enjoy.  In the other case there is just a slight pause and nothing else need be considered.  So, as one’s English teacher might say, which is it:  a noun or an adjective?  What is the difference here?

Well, it is something that is not particularly difficult, you see. And in knowing which “wee” we are talking about is just a bit necessary, in any case. 

One thing’s for sure:  We all wee just a wee bit too—right? 

Take that to your English teacher.  I don't suspect Ms. Carr is still with us, but if she were, I know she would appreciate this!


Friday, May 6, 2022

Emigrants a problem?

Maybe we should look at a group of people who would like to join us in the United States.  This was written in our initial Morningbrain blog, and may be accessed through the following:

Worth another look I'd say.  

Mother's day!


Well—it is coming, once again, and when it gets here, I will be ready!   What’s that you say?  Well, plain and simple, it’s MOTHER’S DAY!!!  And, as I say, whether mom is or isn’t ready is not the question, DAD will be!

Kids or no kids, there will be a Mother’s day breakfast, and it will be the usual, the usual best breakfast in the world!  (What else should a dad make?)  The kids have their own kids and each of them has a Mothers day to celebrate whether or not they make it over to ‘ole mom or not is not an issue.  ‘Ole dad to the rescue.  You see, there is only so much to be done in such a case, and dad likes his mother’s day breakfasts too! 

Bacon and eggs are the treat of the day, with (of course) some blueberry muffins, all served with butter and jelly to tempt even the dieting (that’s right, I said “dieting”) sweetheart and bring forth an appetite that, while suppressed from time to time, just can’t avoid the temptation entirely. 

Mom will have her mother’s day breakfast come Hell or High Water, and that’s a fact!

If you don’t believe me, just ask around on Monday.  Not on Sunday, though.  After breakfast, whatever is on Mom’s plate is whatever she may want! 

Believe you me!

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

PeeeeeResident TeeeeeRump


Peee-Resident Teeeee-Rump!  Whatta guy! 

Why, pray tell, did anyone think this guy would make a good president?  Did they not take a look at what he was before he decided to take on the leadership of a nation?  Everything he had before was a reflection of himself—i.e., it was He that was important, not what he was involved in.  Why was this?  Well it’s the defining trait of the meologist, which is what TeeeeRump is—one of the biggest, most definitive meologists of all time. 

To Donald TeeeeRump it’s all about himself.  Whatever he ever has done, it was just to magnify his magnificent majesty TeeeeRump!  Nothing else really mattered.  It was always all about him. 

He really stepped in it when the won the Presidency, though.  While everything was still all about him, in his mind if in no one else’s, there were other concerns that his co-conspirators were interested in which, as you see, sometime did not shine all the light on Herr TeeeeRump at all!  Which did not work for TeeeeRump, of course, but, again, he was the only one concerned with his lack of being Mr. Number One if nothing else. 

Would this be a problem for most people?  Of course not.  We all know everyone has their own place in the world and everyone deserves whatever good they might garner in whatever role they might be placed.  But one thing most people do not expect is to be “number one” in all things at all times.  And, this does not bother them in the least.  But Donald TeeeeeeRump?  Well, that just would not work for him.  And even though he won the Presidency with fewer actual votes than the number two runner had, did that cause TeeeeeRump a problem?  Of course not.  HE WAS IT, and that was that.

God only knows how America got through four years of this guy.  Some thought he was great.  Some thought he was a great big something (an a-hole, maybe), but something other than what he was supposed to be—this nation’s leader. 

In any case, we all must Thank God that he is PeeeResident no more! 

Thank God!


Sunday, May 1, 2022

Putin...Pootin's more like it!

 I call one "World Leader" "Pootin."  Why?  Because all he seems to be able to do well always, purely and simply, stinks.  He is Hitler redefined--I wonder if he was born on the day Hitler died.  'Twould make pretty good sense to me.  And what he is doing is exactly what Hitler would have done.  Militarily he is taking over a country that has raw materials that he wants for his own, and the only question other countries in the area should be asking is, "will we be next?"

In the mean time, this "World Leader" keeps fartin' around with one thing or another, and getting a lot of people killed.  Someone needs to assassinate someone.  Anyone have any ideas as to whom I am referring?  

Kill Putin!  Kill him soon, and return the world to whatever degree of normalcy it had!