Monday, January 31, 2022

DTrump? BS. DTramp is more like it!

 Put them all where they deserve to be

So, here I am today watching something called “The View” on my local channel 6 (WJBF, I believe) and they are talking about what happened a year ago when a group of dufusses took over our congress’ chambers with the tacit agreement of the then President Trump.  And, they are now showing something about DTrump where he is saying we should treat them fairly.  Not wishing to step on the prerogatives of an ex-president, I will call him by what he seems to be these days—DTramp.  And why not?  He has dropped his “Make America Great Again” for some other slogan—equally inappropriate for anyone wishing to serve “We the People.” 

 The truth of the matter here is DTramp is no servant of “We the People”—the only thing he serves is DTramp.  And, “We the People” need to recognize that and treat him accordingly.  Place him where he belongs:  Put him at the front of that mob that took over our, “We the People”’s, chambers while our elected representatives were attempting to do their work. 

 If we Americans let him get away with this, his latest bit of Bull Shik (pardon my personal designation, s’il vous plait) then we deserve whatever we will get from this BS from who is now the biggest BS’er in the country.  I say “Right, MizShure,” call yourself whatever you want and move forward with your desire to be the leader of your mob. 

 But know this—as their leader, you must join them wherever a jury of OUR, if not YOUR peers decides is the most proper place for all of you, for the appropriate time as determined by a qualified judge.

 Send them all up the river—and let them sing their choruses to one another.

 I, personally, have heard more than enough out of them for now.

 And forever!

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Snow? Cabbagestalk? Covid?


                                              Snow? Cabbagestalk? Covid?


I woke up this Saturday morning and looked out the window.  There was a bit of ice and/or snow there, but not nearly as much as had been there at 2 in the morning when our dog Stella and I took a look out our back door and decided “no, a walk outside was not what was needed at that time.”  The snow was definitely there at that time, and pretty it was, if not something my almost 2 year old friend recognized.   So, back to bed we went.


Oh, well, here we go, Saturday at 8:30, and we are up again.  No real options this time—Stella was ready and willing, very willing, for a break outside.  Shortly later, the wee break having been accomplished, she was back.  The scene outdoors was one of a fine snowfall that covered our backyard.  And, in spite of that, all was well for Stella’s brief walk.  Told Jennie about the situation and she said “fine.”  Back in bed with channel 6’s Shawn Cabbagestalk and his weather girl taking care of letting us know what needed to be known on today’s Saturday morning review.  All OK, we thought.


Now Mr. Cabbagestalk is someone we (well, I) had met one time before.  Change that “we” from Stella and me to Jennifer and me, and that “we” would apply to the situation that occurred a bit over a year or so earlier in the covid time frame when Jennifer and I went to Aiken Tech to take our first covid inoculation.  Which was the time we first met, in person, Mr. Cabbagestalk.


Mr. Cabbagestalk, Shawn to most of us, was there to record this first inoculation of quite a few Aikenites in our area, and we met him when he unmasked briefly for the three of us to recognize one another and have a little laugh over the situation (I had asked if he was still growing that goatee.)  Shawn and several other members of the press, as well as many of our Aiken area politicians were there to recognize the beginning of inoculations in Aiken County by Doctor David Fallaw and his Augusta University staff.  This being done, we were there early (we were expected,) and we were on the initial agenda for inoculations.  Mr. Cabbagestalk, and other attending members of the press, provided post inoculation reporting to all CSRA residents, and we enjoyed watching the provision of these initial shots to us on channel 6 a bit later in the day.


But all that aside, the snow (or whatever it was) was not exactly expected, but, for this one-time Indianan, it was, as always has been, appreciated.  It lasted just a while and, another day having arrived (today being Sunday,) there are just a few spots where just a little bit lingers.


Fun in the snow?  Well, maybe for our extension in Columbia, yes, I’d have to say.  But, for we Aikenites, not much!  Still—it was good to see!

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Problems? Who has problems?


So, here we go MB Deux—here we are early in 2022 and it seems things are going to Hell in a handbasket!  Problems all over the world:  Here, in our Eastern area, we have a winter storm coming at us.  Probably no problem in Aiken, but, who knows.  An underwater volcanic explosion threatens our US West Coast with Tsunamis, who knows what might happen there.  And to add to problems with the weather and our Pacific Ocean we have our nice neighbor Russia starting to cause a war with one of their neighbors, and for virtually no good reason.  God, what else?  

Here in America, we seem to have problems with each other.  How many shootings are too many shootings?  What does it matter who gets shot?  Death, altogether too often, is their part of the problem.  And what does this bring to the shooter?  Well, a place to stay, and food to eat, and nothing else to do for life?  Is this fair?  Only, in my opinion if an eye for an eye is made a reality, and that life, if there are no extenuating circumstances, should consist of one, and one only, additional month following the trial.  What would we think about this?   And this is only one problem.  

Next there is the problem with our elected representatives.  Are they doing their jobs, or simply bitching back and forth with one another and getting nothing of use done for our Nation?  That's what they are getting paid for?  Not in my book.  

And these are just a few problems of many that all of us are aware of.  What needs to be done?  Plenty!

God help us--it seems we are not going to help ourselves!  Or are we?

In America, we have but one option--that is the political one,  

We, the people, need to get our act together!!

And, the sooner, the better!