Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Creatures and UFOs

Ever wonder at your creaturehood? No, not the creatures in your neighborhood, but yourself as a creature on this planet. And, for that matter, ever wonder about UFOs? It wasn’t all that long ago that UFOs (and that’s “U,” “F,” “Os” for anyone who might be wondering at this point) were a frequent visitor to our skies, or so it would seem. Reports were seen on our televisions, and in the newspapers, and, so far, if anything definitive was discovered about the flying objects behind these sightings, I, for one, am unaware of just what they might have been (or are, for that matter.) These “unidentified flying objects” remain unidentified--to me, if to no one else. Which is a bit bothersome to my brain this morning, if not every morning.

But, beginning with those creatures.... We are the top of the line here on our planet, if not everywhere in this universe of ours, and that is something. While some other animals may be said to use tools, their use seems to be limited to that of using a stick to get something to eat out of an ant or termite village--not like tools we utilize in our daily lives. Spoons, hammers, washing machines, automobiles, computers, and other things and materials, like explosives and gasoline, are not things we would find being used by any other of the creatures that share this earth with mankind. We are the tool makers and users on this planet. Why no others can claim this distinction may be disturbing to most people. The answer to this “why” that I would propose is it is “we” who are the reason for this observation, and a bloodthirsty “we,” at that.

As we were developing into the we that we are, other similar creatures may have been moving along the pathways we were travelling. Who can say why they are not living down the road from us today? We can say, I think, if we are willing to put ourselves in the places we once were in and do what we once did, that we actively eliminated our competitors. Those that are still with us pose no ultimate threat to mankind and his rule over the planet. Birds seem to do pretty well, in spite of having not developed a dependency of having and using tools. Other animals also do well--lions for their size as well as most other carnivores seem to do well in spite of not having tools like we use. Sharks in the sea seem to do quite well, as do the dolphins and whales. None of the animals that remain on planet earth could be said as having posed an existential threat to mankind--which is why they still are alive today (if not, exactly, alive and well.)

And yes, it is my contention that it is the “we,” and the bloodthirsty “we,” at that, that is the reason that most, if not all, of our major competitors of the past are no longer with us. We killed them.

Creatures on this earth are just that--creatures. We are the ruling ones, though, without question.

As to those UFO’s--what do you suppose that was all about? Well, considering the fact that the nearest planet to us that may be considered “earth-like” is light years away from us, how do you suppose those UFO’s got here? A good question, you say? Well, if you didn’t say this, I’d like to know what you were thinking about my question here. A light year being something travelling at the speed of light--the fastest thing I can think of--is something that might travel a long way in a year’s time, a very long way. Again, how did the UFO’s of the past get here?

I have no answers here. Maybe someone else does. Care to share?

And “answers” do not include “suppositions.”


Consider this: If we, the ruling creatures on our planet, are just that because any and all other creatures that may at one time have been considered our competitors were destroyed by their competition, us, why has the same thing not happened to us? Could it be the answer lies in the distance any other competitors might have to travel to get here to destroy us and eliminate us as competitors to those creatures? Well, if there is an answer, this might be it.

If we were to want to find out what might be on a similar planet to ours, a planet that we may have discovered light years away, how might we go there to “take a look?”

Lacking any other way, if we were to start blasting into space tons of the material we use to shoot our rockets into space and stockpile this material in an orbiting platform above us, could we not use this material to shoot a “living compartment” our “Livcom,” to one of those closest planets at one of our nearest stars to investigate what or who might be sending the UFOs to us? I guess we could. Assuming problems that would preclude this being done were solved--say we actually unified all countries of the world under a single political system--could this be done? Sure it could. If we all decided (or if our leaders decided, depending on what kind of unification we had,) i.e., decided this was in our best interests. And, were this the case, we could set up our “Livcom,” with an attachment to a freight train of fuel to use to send our crew to the star we were headed for. As we used up our fuel, we could cut the containers loose, one at a time, continuing our quest a little lighter while going a little faster. And, if we wanted to get back to old Sol, we would have to carry, at least twice as much fuel as we would have needed to get where we were going. Could continue on with the details here, but will let you use your own imaginations here (tired of typing.)

Arriving at our destination would allow us to be a “UFO” there. Unless, of course, they already had mastered space travel and didn’t particularly appreciate the competition. Guess they could put us in one of their zoos. Which, unless they determined breeding us might be useful to them, would be the end of that, in a matter of a few years, in any case.

Well, guess that is that. Like I said, if anyone were to wish to extrapolate this little bit of thinking, I guess that anyone could join the ranks of quite a few writers (T.C., you there?) who use this kind of thinking in their work. SciFi, anyone? Nothing wrong with that. Do you remember a book called “1984?” Well, I do (and you can Google that , if you wish) and at the time it was written, it was definitely a SciFi novel. Luckily, things did not play out the way its writer envisioned things playing out, and we are where we are today, instead of where we might have been. Thank goodness for that.  Like to try something different?  How about

Tired of this? Well, I am. Thanks for reading--back soon?  I hope!



Monday, February 24, 2020

Thinkers needed!

Good Morning breakfast clubbers, we’re glad to see you! Well, If you remember that, you’re not exactly a youngster, are you. No matter. Whoever might be reading this is top-notch in my book--older, younger, no matter, as long as you are one thing--a THINKER. And, if you meet this criterion, you know why I think that is the one most important thing for all Americans today.

And why is that? Well, we have an election coming up this year, an important one at that. And who do you suppose will win out in that election? Well, if you are one of the thinkers, you will also be something else: You’ll be a VOTER! And you know why. Who do you want to have making selections for our next group of congressmen, and a third of our next group of senators, and our president? Well, if you think the opinions of those “followers” are more important that the opinions of the thinking public (YOU, my friend,) then there is no reason for you to vote. If you agree with me, though, that a bit of thought is what is needed before a ballot is prepared, then you will vote, and your vote will provide us with who we need in DC to protect this nation of ours, and to do so better than those who are there today. We need a Congress and president who knows what Mr. Smith knew (if you don’t know what I mean by that, see if you can rent a copy of an old film, “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,” and watch it, and you will see what I mean and a representation of the kind of people we need in Washington.)  A whole new group of “Mr.’s” and/or “Ms.’s”, for that matter, are definitely needed, and needed across the board!

Too many (not all, of course, but too many) of those who are currently there are there working diligently for whom? Well, for themselves, that’s who. That was more than evident to everyone who watched the impeachment hearings and trial. How many people in those rooms voted as their consciences would have had them vote? Not many, I’m sure. The issue that was being considered was not voted on. What was voted on was “what is your political party?” And the results of those votes, first in the House and then in the Senate were totally predictable. And the determination from the whole process was bogus. Should DT have been impeached (he was, by the way)? Should DT have been convicted and removed from office (he was not)? What were the facts in both cases? Facts didn’t matter. Which is why the Senate refused to hear all witnesses to the supposed problem. All that mattered in the votes seen in both cases was the political party of the voters. No hearings were needed, folks. We knew from the beginning what the outcome was going to be.

And did the voters in the two hearings do their jobs? Some did, we can be sure, but many, or most, just voted their party line. Which was a sham, and the result was bogus, and would have been bogus regardless of which way it went.

We need a new Congress. We need one that will do its job. And that job would have resulted in a much different result than what we saw. It would either have been a resounding acquittal, or conviction of the President. None of this vote for the party would have been the least bit acceptable. We need a new Congress--We need a Congress of Mr. and/or Ms. Smiths. Had we had that, we would either have had a convicted and removed Mr. Trump or a totally exonerated one, one that did not even require a “trial” by the Senate.

Think about that. (If you don’t, or can’t, then we know who you are, and you are not someone who this note was written to.)



Sunday, February 23, 2020

Another day, just another day.

Good grief Charlie Brown--another morning?  More stuff for the in-file, I guess.  Oh, well, that's just what I'm thinking this morning.  It's another Sunday, and that means we will get up and give church a passing thought and do no more in this area until Trinity in Augusta begins its broadcast, which has been our weekly dose of for-sure religion for a long time now. 

I keep telling myself I will be going back to the church of my youth any day now, but so far that just has not happened.  No problem with the church--it's just that every day is just another day.  They all start out the same and proceed for the most part in the same manner and end up just as almost all days before in the recent past have ended up.  A good thing?  Sometime yes, sometime, well, can't really say.  In any case, other than that day when I awoke to get a drink of water and ended up in the Sleep Inn fearfully wondering what might come next, every day has been pretty much a repeat of many days before in this life of the Geddes Mimosa Circle grandparents.  (How's that for a personal reminder of what seems to be our fate?)

And while things are not all that bad, they are not all that fantastic, either.  They just are what they are. 

The question is, what to do next?  Well, I guess we could travel a bit--that's what seems to be the solution for many of us these days.  For me, though, I think why?  I don't really care--I've seen all the world I need to see, and nothing is really worth it.  Travel, travel, travel.  Fun for old folks, I guess.  For me, though, it's "why bother?"

Well, there is that second cup of coffee awaiting in the kitchen, and the time keeps on changing (it's going on 7 AM.)  Seems like it was just 5:30, wasn't it?  Dark outside, coffee water heating up while I walk out to get the morning paper, everyone in bed but yours truly?  Yep--a little late, but until the Sunday Morning confusion begins, I guess I can still claim a little morningbrain time, or so I hope.

So here comes Tobi.  Back out front for a couple of minutes.  Back in.  More light outside (why, where does that keep coming from?) 

Back to the couch and this.  What was that line--"Make the world go away?"

Good Grief.  Another day.


Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Newspapers are nice, but Blogs can be better!

If you are in need of knowing what might be going on in your world--and your world encompasses the Aiken, South Carolina area (and then some,) you certainly should subscribe to the AikenStandard. Whenever something might happen from the Savannah River to the North branch of the Edisto or from Edgefield to Williston, for that matter (to cover the cross direction,) you just might, again, find the AikenStandard writer happily settled on his, or her, for that matter, “beat” doing what they do best bringing the news to you on a daily, or maybe even more often if you are a digital subscriber, basis. That, my friend, is one thing I know and like about our local “traditional press.”

If, though, you happen to write just a bit, and you don’t necessarily like getting up every morning in the early AM to get to the office to begin your daily travail, you just might appreciate knowing a bit about “Blogger,” which, if you are reading this little bit of typing, is exactly where you are at this moment.

Blogger is an internet program, presented by Google, that gives a writer a place to present his or her ideas that may be accessed by the general public. It is free, secure (as far as I can tell,) and can be used to display your work for who knows how long. So far I have been using it since 2011--nine years--with no known issues. And, I have had quite a few views (depending on my advertizing of certain presentations) and have had no difficulties. So, if you have an interest, all you have to do is go to Blogger’s site and follow the instructions you find there.

And that site? Well, if you really think you would like to set up an account, (a "WebLog", at that,) try . This should be enough to get you started. And, the price is right (unlike some sites that some find useful, but that charge for their services.) How google makes their cut here is uncertain to me, but I’m sure they get something out of providing the service. I am also certain that quite a few people have read what I have published on their site--over 500 views on my initial article, which isn’t bad since I don’t do much advertizing (all I’ve done, for the most part, is mentioned various articles on Facebook.)

In any case, if you don’t find Google provides what you need, just enter “blog” into your search box and see what comes up. What works for me may not be what you want. Plenty there, if that’s what you want to do. (And, I understand, some people make a good bit of money off of their blogs--not me, though.) (So far, anyway--Geesh!)

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Things may change, but some things?

This morning I was looking for something in the back of one of “my” closets, and I came across a strip of metal that was a piece of a small kit I received one Christmas. Anyone remember those “erector sets” that used to be a popular item in those “letters to Santa?” Well, most of my set has long since disappeared, all but that one piece, that is. And this brought to mind one thing that happened at a meeting of boy scouts at my church one Monday evening.

My friend in scouting, Andy Smith, would remember the days when his dad took the helm and led us. Mr. Smith, our Scoutmaster and a Southern Bell technician, I believe, was someone who it was easy to follow. He didn’t make many demands on us scouts, and he always seemed to enjoy what we were doing. This morning I remember how, one time, I seemed to get on his nerves, though.

Seems one time Mr. Smith said something that hit my early Junior High School brain just the way he hadn’t meant it. I didn’t say anything, but I couldn’t really help myself, and I began to snicker, under my breath at first, but, eventually, loud enough for Mr. Smith to hear it. His comment: Geddes, what are you laughing at? I didn’t answer--just kept on trying to squelch my snickering.

Again, Scoutmaster Smith asks, “Geddes, what are you laughing at?” Still no answer from Geddes.

At this point, Mr. Smith reviews his own thoughts and what he had shared with the group. His conclusion? “Geddes, you have a dirty mind!” Which didn’t stop the snickering one bit.

Now, I don’t remember just what brought on my amusement, or why I couldn’t stop my snickering those many years ago, but one thought came to mind this morning when I found that item in my closet.


Hmmmm.... Do you suppose Mr. Smith might have been right?

Monday, February 10, 2020

Suicide your game?

If you are like me, you haven't considered suicide, ever.  And that is a good thing.  BUT, all people cannot say this.  I have friends who cannot say this--I know this from talking with them.  I also have friends who I can no longer talk to because they thought about it and decided suicide was a good thing for themselves and they are no longer with us, here in the world of the living, that is:  Mike, definitely; Richard, possibly; and, Margaret (or so I think) too.

Today I was at Aiken Opthalmology on the Aiken/Augusta highway, and, while waiting on my appointment, I saw an article in one of their magazines about Suicide.  The article, touted on "Time" ('s) cover as "Solving Suicide," (by Mandy Oaklander,) was in the November 4, 2019 edition of the magazine.  I had the time (I was a bit early and, as we all know, Docs try to leave plenty of time for each appointment in case plenty of time turns out to be needed.)  In my case, all went well with the Doc, and I was able to read the article, three pages or so.  Which was a good thing.

Too late for my friends, each of whom might be with us today if someone (myself, perhaps) had talked with them at just the right time to give them just a bit of hope for the future.  It seems it doesn't always take all that much, just a bit of help in a time of need, a time when a friend doesn't even know just a little bit of encouragement might be needed.

It seems avoidance of that act of suicide can occur if just the right bit of thinking is injected into the process at just the right time. That injection can come from a talk with a professional, a brief phone conversation, or something as simple as a greeting card or note from a friend.  The trick is to have just a little bit of encouragement when that little bit might be needed.

And when might that be?  No one knows.  What is known, though, is it doesn't take much.  This article is one worth reading--I'm glad I had the time in my Doc's office.

Take a look.  You might be able to save a life.  (I might have been able to save several.)

The article is currently available on line at:

And that's it.  C'est ca, hepsi tamam!


Thursday, February 6, 2020

Presidential discretion or overreach?

                 He can shoot someone, right?

As for our President's cutting back on our National Parks to allow for his giveaway plans to his buds in large industry, drilling for oil in our national parks, for example, this practice needs to be terminated and so done in such a manner that it is made clear and made clear to all involved. Trump does not own our National Parks, and Trump cannot do whatever he wants with them. 

Same thing goes for our adjoining oceans and his plans to permit drilling in places where our state governments have prevented drilling in the past. Trump doesn't own this property and Trump cannot dictate how these properties are used. Congress needs to make this clear to the President. Both the House AND the Senate need to point this out to the President in no uncertain terms. If Republican representatives think the President should be able to degrade or downgrade the people's properties, then these legislators need to be given a vacation at the very next election when they are required to run. I don't care if Democrats replace them or Independents or other Republicans. If our current representation is not willing to protect the people of our nation from a President who thinks he is able to do whatever he wants with our American treasures, then We the People need to take issue with those legislators who are willing to throw away our country's assets to a President who thinks he has capabilities greater than those which the constitution gives him. 

He started doing this shortly after he was elected when he began to allow drillers to discharge poorly treated discharges to ravines or gullies leading to streams that were protected by EPA under clean water regulations and congress did nothing. With that beginning, he continues to try to take greater and greater liberties with his control over the country. It is time to bring this kind of activity to a roaring halt. And it is the Congress that will have to do this.

Any questions? 

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Political rain

Well, what is new. My day started about 2 hours ago when Tobijuan let me know it was time to water the lawn. My job? Let him out. His job? Well, guess I can say, “the usual.” We both finished our work in record time and returned to where we usually find ourselves at this time. He to sleep, me to muse. Geesh! 2 hours of “musing” is just too much. Back to this (what B. Rain seems to do best at this time of day as you probably well know.)

Politics reigneth, or so it seems. The morning AikenStandard assaults me with its front page header, “Senate rejects witnesses in Trump trial, ensuring acquittal.” Which was expected, I guess, if not desired by many, expected, though, by most voters. Guess the Senate will have to pay for this decision in November. If I am not wrong here, November will bring their payback, in any case. Personally, I don’t hate the guy. I just think I understand him better than these great “Legislators” do. A sociopath does what a sociopath does. That is, he takes care of himself, first, regardless of what that might do to the country. And the Senate seems to feel their help is necessary. Well, we’ll have to see how that goes Mr. Graham, Mr. Mitchell, et. al.? We’ll see how that goes for you, too. Any South Carolineans politically inclined? This could be your time to succeed. Same goes for you Kentuckians. Politics can be good, if you time your moves well. These two guys just hacked a lot of folks off. What do you suppose that will mean for them?

Guess we’ll have to wait and see. Or, better yet, we could “work and see,” right? Work is what gets the job done if you time your efforts right, and now just may be a very good start for someone. In South Carolina there are more than just a few who have, in the past, given this some thought.

Could be my time to do something too.  You think you might want to run in South Carolina?  Could you use a few volunteers at your side?  Give me a call--I just might know a few.  Mr Graham had my vote for many years.  His alliance with the Sociopath in the Whitehouse has changed that, though.  Unfortunate.  Could be my political side might be something just the right Democrat might be able to use to his or her advantage.  This could be our year to change things for the better here in one of our original 13 states.  A major one at that.

In any case, we’ll see.  First thing we will need will be a candidate.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Any volunteers?