Sunday, February 23, 2020

Another day, just another day.

Good grief Charlie Brown--another morning?  More stuff for the in-file, I guess.  Oh, well, that's just what I'm thinking this morning.  It's another Sunday, and that means we will get up and give church a passing thought and do no more in this area until Trinity in Augusta begins its broadcast, which has been our weekly dose of for-sure religion for a long time now. 

I keep telling myself I will be going back to the church of my youth any day now, but so far that just has not happened.  No problem with the church--it's just that every day is just another day.  They all start out the same and proceed for the most part in the same manner and end up just as almost all days before in the recent past have ended up.  A good thing?  Sometime yes, sometime, well, can't really say.  In any case, other than that day when I awoke to get a drink of water and ended up in the Sleep Inn fearfully wondering what might come next, every day has been pretty much a repeat of many days before in this life of the Geddes Mimosa Circle grandparents.  (How's that for a personal reminder of what seems to be our fate?)

And while things are not all that bad, they are not all that fantastic, either.  They just are what they are. 

The question is, what to do next?  Well, I guess we could travel a bit--that's what seems to be the solution for many of us these days.  For me, though, I think why?  I don't really care--I've seen all the world I need to see, and nothing is really worth it.  Travel, travel, travel.  Fun for old folks, I guess.  For me, though, it's "why bother?"

Well, there is that second cup of coffee awaiting in the kitchen, and the time keeps on changing (it's going on 7 AM.)  Seems like it was just 5:30, wasn't it?  Dark outside, coffee water heating up while I walk out to get the morning paper, everyone in bed but yours truly?  Yep--a little late, but until the Sunday Morning confusion begins, I guess I can still claim a little morningbrain time, or so I hope.

So here comes Tobi.  Back out front for a couple of minutes.  Back in.  More light outside (why, where does that keep coming from?) 

Back to the couch and this.  What was that line--"Make the world go away?"

Good Grief.  Another day.



  1. I've been waking up at 5AM lately too. No alarms, just waking up.

    1. I think it's our brains saying "I've had enough!" It's been happening to me for quite some time, now. Which is where I came up with the blog--might as well do something useful with the time--useful to me if to no one else!
