Tuesday, July 30, 2019

"Shark Teethers"

A little something from Edisto vacations of the past!
circa 1980? Summer, of course.

                        "Shark Teethers"

They walk down the beach with their eye to their toe,
They craze down the beach, they really move slow.
Looking for remains from the creature of fright,
They're out on the beach, from morning to night.
Huntin' and ‘a searchin' just to find what they seek:
They're the shark teeth seekers, "Shark Teethers!"

From Charleston to Edisto, to Hunting Isle,
When they find that tooth, they really put on a smile!
Although they may have jars of teeth back on a shelf, 
They just keep on ‘a searchin’--they want more for themselves,
Huntin’ and ‘a searchin’ just to find what they seek:
They’re the shark teeth seekers, “Shark Teethers!”

A hundred million years ago all over the sound
Those teeth were all in sharks, just a swimmin’ around
And if a tooth would fall out when a shark took a bite,
Another one would grow back in almost overnight....

So, if you’re at the beach and you go for a walk,
And you don’t feel like swimming, you don’t want to talk,
Just walk real slow, keep your eye to the ground,
And before you’ve gone too far that first tooth you’ll have found
Don’t worry that they’ll all be gone, they’re still bein’ made,
You’re a shark teeth seeker, Shark Teether
              A shark teeth seeker, Shark Teether
                            A shark teeth seeker, Shark Teether...... 

Copyright 2019 (or 1980+/- just can’t say!) by Stephen V. Geddes, Aiken SC

Now, on to YouTube!

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Did it again, via our "Presidential" Trump Card

Now, lest there be any question in anyone's mind as to the reason behind the naming of this Blog, the time now, in Aiken SC, is three-thirty-five (and it's not in the PM, folks,) and so, having lain in my bed for a full thirty minutes without having the usual nocturnal passout, I decided I heard my laptop calling (steve?  steve?  wherefor art thou, steve?)  

So here we are.  (Feel better, my faithful little HP?  Well, I just thought you might.)  Now, as to the brain....  

Yes, that''s right--the brain.  Why now, brain?  Well, I guess you had your reasons, at that.  About two weeks ago I meandered down the road to my South Aiken post office branch and made a deposit into their system.  And, at this point in time, I want to thank Cousin Barbara for her kind acknowledgement.  It seems the United States Postal Service has made good on its contract with me and at least one of the eight mailings I made that day arrived at its intended target.  That was good.  Thanks, Barbara!

Now for the rest of my time here with HP, all I can say is I see our beloved "President" continues in his unpresidential ways to be a dark cloud hovering over our beloved "White House."  It is interesting how he is able to make each and every (almost) good situation look a bit bad, and each and every questionable situation look a bit worse than it probably is, and each and every bad situation look questionable.  Why is he always off the mark?  Guess it's just the nature of the beast.  Maybe he's just a little bit like me--just a little bit off target (Mine is usually a 9, though!)  Do you suppose?  (Well, I guess I give myself just a little bit too much credit--what, who, Moi? Presidential?  Absurd.)  

As for dear old President tRump,  Presidential?  Again, absurd, I'm afraid.  He's about as presidential today as he was when he was taped talking about how the women in his life liked him to lead them around using their own short hairs as leashes.  Presidential?  Well, Cousin Joe points out dear ole, LBJ may have been the leader in this crotch business.  And if you don't remember this any better than I did, try going to Cousin Joe's FaceBook page at https://www.facebook.com/drbuchman ,   He just might be able to provide a bit of enlightenment here.

Or so I think.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

End "Citizens United" and End Corporate Pac money

End "Citizens United" and End Corporate Pac money.  Good proposals, or what?

Two things are wrong here--One, Citizens United are not "Citizens" "United," it is a ruling by the supreme court that allows large, secret donations to political organizations--to include actual donations to politicians' campaigns as well as donations of sentiment in advertizements and other paid-for things (stuff) used to influence elections.  That being the case, we "Citizens" must "Unite" to see that this ruling is overturned or defined in such a way that anyone wanting to influence American elections may do so as a matter of free speech so long as "who is doing what" is definitively specified at the time it is being done and later.  Secrecy in political donations or "electioneering" must not be allowed.  That being said, the following may be useful.  Attempting to end Corporate Pac money will only end same to Democrats.  Why do that?  Let everyone take the S's(orD's)OBs' money.  Just so long as all concerned know taking the money won't guarantee that any representative will do what the donors, secret of otherwise, want to get done.  Each representative must assuredly do what is right, regardless.  If the Pac's interests do not conflict with the American People's interests, no problem.  Where there is a conflict, again, no problem so long as the representatives' votes remain in the interests of the American People.  Should a situation come up where a political representative does not follow the above requirement, and should same be proven in court, then that politician must forfeit all political funding received from any source (to include personal salaries) said funding to be returned to the public coffers.

"All Citizens United" should be our goal.  AND let the corporations send money to all our representatives if they wish.  That's OK, SO LONG AS THEY KNOW NO donated amounts, no matter how large, will be enough to buy those representatives' votes when those votes are not in the best interests of the voters in their respective districts and/or states.

The question here is:  How do we, in America, Get This Done?

Or, is this an impossible goal?

If so, Why?

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Ecological BD Card

Happy Birthday Stash!  5/28/2019

'Twas an ecological birthday card we gave to Stash today,
An ecological birthday card, complete in every way.
An ecological birthday card, you know we had to search hard--
Ecologically right, which makes it quite, a really, really good card

So tell me dad, just what it is that's special 'bout this card?
Oh well, you see, we almost thought we'd have to hire a bard.
But then we found it, and then we knew it was the very one
That you should get this very day from your mom and dad, dear son!

For on its front, all speckled there, a glory to behold,
From earth to sky a silver crest of glitter did it embold!
And opening that single page the letters they did spell,
That "Happy Birthday" in solid gold this special card did tell.

Ecologically (you'll see) it's quite a card, clean in every way,
And just as long as it stays that way, we all may easily say:
This is a card, ecologically right, our chimney's mantle to grace --
And all will be right, in our living room, as long as that is the case.

No "from line," you see, makes the card just right to use another day,
And this being the way things are, there's no waste at all I say.
Which gives this card its righteous title, you can use it again you know,
Ecologically speaking, it's oh, so right, that "from line" makes it so!

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Good Grief Channel 6

Well--I just thought I ought to go to my facebook account and put a post on thanking Channel 6, WJBF, for their correcting their ad feeds to their broadcast and then a commercial from that home goods store--what it is, I don't remember.  Is there a Rooms to Go? (Or "something 4 something?")  May have been them.  In any case, as I was beginning to go to facebook to thank channel 6 for their corrections of their ads (yesterday they were coming across, still, way loud compared with their regular broadcast,) precisely what I had complained about the day before yesterday, and what I had had a mini-conversation with one of their personnel on email about happened again.  Having watched their offering since 5 in the AM with good results, as soon as I go to THANK them for correcting their problem, here comes this commercial with blow your socks off volume.  Which, if you weren't paying attention, was the precise reason I complained to them in the first place.  One difference, the initial ad two days ago was from Weinburger's.  Haven't seen a Weinburger's ad today, though.

It looks like there could be someone on their staff, or the staff of whomever is providing their ad feed, who wants to cause problems for their station.  The problem they, Channel 6, have now (IF personnel sabotage is the reason) is (obviously) to find out who to fire over this.  And FIRE they should!  What is being done will eventually lose them viewers and then run off advertizers, and the subsequent revenue.  No laughing matter!

GOOD GRIEF, CHANNEL 6!  Check that commercial you broadcast at 8:27AM  today!  (I can't stand it!)