End "Citizens United" and End Corporate Pac money. Good proposals, or what?
Two things are wrong here--One, Citizens United are not "Citizens" "United," it is a ruling by the supreme court that allows large, secret donations to political organizations--to include actual donations to politicians' campaigns as well as donations of sentiment in advertizements and other paid-for things (stuff) used to influence elections. That being the case, we "Citizens" must "Unite" to see that this ruling is overturned or defined in such a way that anyone wanting to influence American elections may do so as a matter of free speech so long as "who is doing what" is definitively specified at the time it is being done and later. Secrecy in political donations or "electioneering" must not be allowed. That being said, the following may be useful. Attempting to end Corporate Pac money will only end same to Democrats. Why do that? Let everyone take the S's(orD's)OBs' money. Just so long as all concerned know taking the money won't guarantee that any representative will do what the donors, secret of otherwise, want to get done. Each representative must assuredly do what is right, regardless. If the Pac's interests do not conflict with the American People's interests, no problem. Where there is a conflict, again, no problem so long as the representatives' votes remain in the interests of the American People. Should a situation come up where a political representative does not follow the above requirement, and should same be proven in court, then that politician must forfeit all political funding received from any source (to include personal salaries) said funding to be returned to the public coffers.
"All Citizens United" should be our goal. AND let the corporations send money to all our representatives if they wish. That's OK, SO LONG AS THEY KNOW NO donated amounts, no matter how large, will be enough to buy those representatives' votes when those votes are not in the best interests of the voters in their respective districts and/or states.
The question here is: How do we, in America, Get This Done?
Or, is this an impossible goal?
If so, Why?
And for sure, as long as donations may be made and kept secret, large amounts may be given by anyone or anything to any of our politicians or political hopefuls without anyone knowing who is financing their campaigns or their trips to the bahamas or whatever. This is not democracy, this is the buying of politicians.