Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Did it again, via our "Presidential" Trump Card

Now, lest there be any question in anyone's mind as to the reason behind the naming of this Blog, the time now, in Aiken SC, is three-thirty-five (and it's not in the PM, folks,) and so, having lain in my bed for a full thirty minutes without having the usual nocturnal passout, I decided I heard my laptop calling (steve?  steve?  wherefor art thou, steve?)  

So here we are.  (Feel better, my faithful little HP?  Well, I just thought you might.)  Now, as to the brain....  

Yes, that''s right--the brain.  Why now, brain?  Well, I guess you had your reasons, at that.  About two weeks ago I meandered down the road to my South Aiken post office branch and made a deposit into their system.  And, at this point in time, I want to thank Cousin Barbara for her kind acknowledgement.  It seems the United States Postal Service has made good on its contract with me and at least one of the eight mailings I made that day arrived at its intended target.  That was good.  Thanks, Barbara!

Now for the rest of my time here with HP, all I can say is I see our beloved "President" continues in his unpresidential ways to be a dark cloud hovering over our beloved "White House."  It is interesting how he is able to make each and every (almost) good situation look a bit bad, and each and every questionable situation look a bit worse than it probably is, and each and every bad situation look questionable.  Why is he always off the mark?  Guess it's just the nature of the beast.  Maybe he's just a little bit like me--just a little bit off target (Mine is usually a 9, though!)  Do you suppose?  (Well, I guess I give myself just a little bit too much credit--what, who, Moi? Presidential?  Absurd.)  

As for dear old President tRump,  Presidential?  Again, absurd, I'm afraid.  He's about as presidential today as he was when he was taped talking about how the women in his life liked him to lead them around using their own short hairs as leashes.  Presidential?  Well, Cousin Joe points out dear ole, LBJ may have been the leader in this crotch business.  And if you don't remember this any better than I did, try going to Cousin Joe's FaceBook page at ,   He just might be able to provide a bit of enlightenment here.

Or so I think.

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