He can shoot someone, right?
As for our President's cutting back on our National Parks to allow for his giveaway plans to his buds in large industry, drilling for oil in our national parks, for example, this practice needs to be terminated and so done in such a manner that it is made clear and made clear to all involved. Trump does not own our National Parks, and Trump cannot do whatever he wants with them.
Same thing goes for our adjoining oceans and his plans to permit drilling in places where our state governments have prevented drilling in the past. Trump doesn't own this property and Trump cannot dictate how these properties are used. Congress needs to make this clear to the President. Both the House AND the Senate need to point this out to the President in no uncertain terms. If Republican representatives think the President should be able to degrade or downgrade the people's properties, then these legislators need to be given a vacation at the very next election when they are required to run. I don't care if Democrats replace them or Independents or other Republicans. If our current representation is not willing to protect the people of our nation from a President who thinks he is able to do whatever he wants with our American treasures, then We the People need to take issue with those legislators who are willing to throw away our country's assets to a President who thinks he has capabilities greater than those which the constitution gives him.
He started doing this shortly after he was elected when he began to allow drillers to discharge poorly treated discharges to ravines or gullies leading to streams that were protected by EPA under clean water regulations and congress did nothing. With that beginning, he continues to try to take greater and greater liberties with his control over the country. It is time to bring this kind of activity to a roaring halt. And it is the Congress that will have to do this.
Any questions?
And if the congress does not learn how to do what they need to do to "help" our President be presidential, then it will be up to we the people to "help" our congress do what they should have been doing all along.