Saturday, October 19, 2019

Here a Blog...

Here a Blog, there a Blog, everywhere a Blog, Blog.... Or so I think. A friend of mine once described an acquaintence as being a “writer.” To quote my friend, he even has his own “Blog!” Well, I thought, so do I, but is that what it takes to be a “writer?” I guess I might answer myself by saying, “Well, yes, and no.”

And why is that, you might ask...?

Well, here we go!

Yes, I do have my own blog (that’s “web log,” to you readers who might not recognize the contraction,) and I do “write” a bit, as one might guess, though that “bit” has been a bit abbreviated lately. You see, somewhere along the line, I decided to write for real, just a bit, which is what I did. And, thanks to Amazon, I actually published my first “book,” i.e., “Stephen V. Geddes, an Autobiography,” something a bit more substantial than anything I might have written before (or since, for that matter.) And by “a bit,” I mean 200 pages or so--more if you would include the appendix additions.

So, if you want to call “yours truly” a “writer,” I guess you can. After all, Ben Franklin could be called a writer, right? He did write an autobiography (which I read in the tenth grade, I believe, thanks to Mrs. Carr!) I believe he titled it “The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin,” or something of that sort. Guess I copied my “title” a bit after ole Ben and his work! One thing’s for sure, if I wanted to do a follow-on to anyone, ole Ben would be a real good selection!

In any case, my autobiography was something I did for my family--a family I am justifiably proud of. And the autobiography was preceeded by a pamphlet which provided the outline I used to write the basics of the book (again with thanks to

And now, maybe if that Valerian has had time to kick in, I’ll give sleep a bit of a try. Tomorrow (really later today,) I’ll return to this post, or maybe to the Blog itsself, to attempt to continue and add to this brief comment and maybe even try to live up to that “writer” title that I might allow my friend to annoint me with the next time I see him. I will at that time point out the fact that I, too, do have my own “Blog,” thanks, of course, to "Blogger."

Won’t he be impressed? Well, I guess I’ll just have to wait and see!