I find I often awaken somewhat in the middle of the night. Not a problem, mind you, unless I begin to give some matter just a little bit of thought. Then, I’m in trouble.
In trouble, you say? Why’s that?
Well, it’s really simple. The problem, you see, is with that “just a little bit of thought” thing. Just a little bit is a bit like that mustard seed you planted out back
one day. Seems if conditions are just right, in not too long a time what might start out as a very small plant just could begin to grow to proportions that are more than a bit troublesome. Big, I mean! A good thing, you
say? Well, not if you are the one who has to keep up with those growths that may or may not be in accordance with some City ordinance that some do-gooder may have come up with some time in the past when you just weren’t
paying attention. Do-gooders are a bit troublesome at times, or so it seems. They come up with things that may seem reasonable at the time but that can be just a bit troublesome if pushed to the limit.
Which is what happens to me in my night time ramblings. Awake again, you say? Yes, dang it--again, always again. Tonight I find myself watching a program. It’s in black and white,
something that many pretty good programs might come across as, if they were made in that pre-color time which was our television’s first efforts at becoming a useful tool for almost everything imaginable. Well, to get
to the point, this program was about a man who discovers his son is growing some mushrooms in his basement. He doesn’t think much of it until he finds he is one of several people in his purview who has a similar situation.
He follows his son down to his current project and becomes its latest victim when he falls under the spell of a son who has morphed into a quite different creature, mentally, and old dad eats a sandwich given to him by his
one time son. The sandwich contains the mushrooms, of course, and by taking that first bite, our hero is to become a new creature himself.
Twilight zone, I’m thinking? No, Alfred Hitchcock. Interesting how these shows seemed to copy one another--something I did not even think of when fourth grade me had the occasion
to watch our first ever television set.
And, of course, thanks for watc--er--reading, just a bit of this Blog!
Today is December 7. For the younger generation, that is the date of the greatest military disaster America has ever experienced. For anyone who might want to know more about this, a miniseries, the Winds of War is what I would highly recommend. Now, how to find? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYZ6HEFDbEg (perhaps.)
ReplyDeleteAND, FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH, MY INITIAL BLOG, https://stephenvgeddes.blogspot.com/2020/10/
ReplyDeleteis where most of my articles will be found. And, Thanks for reading.