When Donald Trump calls the leader of the opposition party, “Crazy Nancy,” and when he throws a similar epithet at Adam Schiff, the leader of the committee who brought impeachment
charges against him, what does he think he is doing? Calling the leadership of the opposition in congress unsavory names is something a junior high student might do, but an American President?
How long should we give this guy to man up and become the leader he needs to be. He has been there almost three years now, and still he comes up with this baloney?
Really now. When does supporting the guy become something most reasonable people would begin to consider being an unreasonable response to his childishness?
Did we ever have a president who this guy might be said to be following on to? Not in my memory. He is, supposedly, intelligent, but, if that is indeed right, why does it not show through
in his official comments? He’s more of a kid than anything, or, at the most, a fraternity pledge just trying to fit in, and is this someone we can afford to have as our national leader? Again? I think not.
One time is one time too many. It’s hard to believe some think this guy should be reelected.
Really hard. Guess some just do not think on a plane with some others of us. While I can see some who voted for him because they thought his opposition just was not what we needed--for
whatever their reasons might have been. But, that being the case, how do those same people continue to think that was a really great decision. If hating Hillary was a reason one might have had, is that a good reason to like
Trump? The two thoughts do not have to coexist.
And, if that is where you might find yourself, remember: The new year will bring on a new choice. Just because you voted for Donald Trump last time should not automatically bring on a
need to vote for him a second time. I guess the opposition is who will need to make a few good choices here--choices that make sense to Trump voters who have come to see him as a good choice when Hillary was the other option,
but not so good when someone else is the opponent. America can come through this a winner, after all. Next year, in any case.
With the sad demise of Cobi Bryant, I feel the need to define my use of this for real basketball term, "man up." Anyone who played basketball, most guys, and quite a few women would realize "man up" as a basketball term for man-to-man defense. Most anyone else would know, though, it is also used in a slightly different context when used as I used it in this blog. Any questions? Feel free--I do check comments from time to time! And thanks for reading! Steve