Sunday, July 25, 2021

Weekend, again?


Weekend, again?  A good thing.

Well, one more time, I guess.  What's interesting is, being "retired," every day is just one more day--no time off from the nine to five for us--and that could be a problem until we come up with a foolproof method to be sure we know exactly what the day might be.  So far what I've found in the stores are items that give the date and time.  Fine, I guess, but the day of the week is what I really need to see when I awaken.  Why?  Well things are just a bit different on the weekends: different TV, different people walking down the street, different whatever.  

Walking in the morning, I am liable to see the usual bunch of older (well, "old," if that's better) people I see almost every day.  Add-ons are also there in the AM, though, there on our weekends, people who I usually see in the early evening at the end of the workday of those 5 day periods that we usually have every week.  Which, I guess, is one way a "retiree" might use to recognize the advent of that weekly weekend.   

A problem?  Not at all!  Most of us enjoy the working crew who might be up a bit earlier than we might expect, those that will be in that group will usually have a child or two in their walking group.  Those who do not walk with their children just may be the ones who will enjoy their sleep-ins after a Saturday (or Friday) night that everyone just "Loves!"  Not really a problem to we usual morning walkers, of course.  And, unless we happened to be among those who got married very early after our High School careers, this just may be something we would not have noticed at all.  “Live and learn” is a quote many if not most of us can relate to quite well.

In any case, that’s just the way it is, most weeks, anyway.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Things for my plate


     Every now and then, usually in the wee hours of the morning, when I seem to wake with all sorts of oh-so-important thoughts, I write things down hoping that I might be able to do something about them when the for-real AM rolls around.  Last night the following came to mind: 


          1)  Strip of foam


          2)  Writing tablets


          3)  Help from kids for mom and dad


          4)  Strip of aluminum for roof                      

          5)  Dear family and hiking books


          6)  TV antenna


          7)  Grass trimmings


          8)  Holley tree lower branches


    How’s that for a list of things to do in the morning.  Well, in retrospect, all of the items are things that need to be done.  Add to this a visit to my friend Richard’s to discuss some work he needs done next week while he visits his son in Colorado, and my day just might be a bit full. 


     Interestingly enough, here I am at 4 in the PM having just finished item 1, above.  Well, not exactly.  Seems my wife has problems walking because of some cartilage growths on her feet.  I just put together something that might help here, using a couple of 2-inch thick foam “soles” and a couple of socks of mine.  Now I am waiting for the glue to dry, after which I will give them to my sweetie to see if the idea had any merit.  Should know something in a couple of hours.


     Item 2 was easy.  Actually, I guess I was on top of things, having picked up a 67 cent writing book 4x6 by about 60 pages that I will leave next to bed with a pen.  Should give me something to write on the next time I have those nocturnal thoughts about what I need to do the next day.  No problem!!


     Item 3 is a bit needed for the future.  Seems the “kids” just may need a bit of help to see what help they may be to their aging parents, perhaps something they may do to keep us out of one of our old folks homes for just a bit when we get just a bit older.  Of course the “kids” currently are not all that available, since their “kids” are still at home with them and will not be away to college for several more years.  Will have to think on this just a bit.


     Item 4 is rather simple.  What I need is a 12” or so strip of aluminum to hang from our roof in the front.  Something we had before the fire and something we need to replace (our contractor did not think so to do) to divert water from the roof to the yard proper to keep it from causing a puddle atop our front sidewalk during rain events.  Can do, will do, probably next week.


      Item 5 are two books that just may be salable.  Will do—sooner rather than later will be better (or best!)


      Item 6 is, again, something we lost by the fire.  Need to do to improve reception from our local transmitters, which transmitters provide about 20 channels at exactly the right price.   It’s FREE!

(How much do you pay, annually, for your TV service?)


     Item 7, again required by my house fire, is needed to provide grass on the areas our contractor left a garbage container to use while they were “fixing” our house.  Dummies—anyone who has a similar problem, a house fire, just may want to find a contractor other than PDR to restore their building. 


      And, the holley tree, item 8, is one that our across-the-street neighbor provided to my dad quite a few years ago.  It was very small.  Now it’s 50 feet tall, and the lowest branches shade out the grass that used to grow under it.  Could cut it down, but our neighbor has gone along with my dad and mom to whatever afterlife we will have and I doubt he or my dad would like that.  Neither would his widow who still resides across the street.  Guess I can do this trimming myself.  I do have a pole saw that should do the job.


     So, how is that for waking up in the middle of the night and coming up with just a few items that need a bit of work?  Sleep isn’t supposed to bring on work, now is it?  Guess it’s just a good time for the brain to think about things I’d rather continue to put off.  Now comes the hard part. 


    Hah!  (Thanks, Alf!)

Sunday, July 4, 2021

One more time--DC Spending make sense?


Does anyone in DC make sense?

In 2010 it could be said that ten years earlier the two great parties got together and came up with a compromise to provide a tax cut.  They said, let's give the people a tax cut, one that would let our economically more endowed citizens keep (tax) funds to enable them to provide jobs, grow the economy, (provide for the common welfare, etc.,) and would, at the same time, give everyone else at least a little tax relief.  This tax reduction would last for ten years, and then it would expire. 

Well, it's eleven years later and what has happened?  The jobs aren't there--many of them have been sent overseas (by those more endowed citizens?)  The economy has tanked--our government has tried to bolster it but there seems to be a lack of tax income to allow for much more from the government (those tax cuts have gone to further endow our more endowed citizens at the expense of what, our national debt?)  Our banks (and some major industries) have been saved but, while there were funds to bail them out, those same banks are unwilling to release funds to provide loans to bail out small businesses or people wanting to continue to own their own homes (they say we are a Christian nation--but the applicable Christian parable apparently does not apply to those well endowed individuals, the bankers.)  Meanwhile, while most worker pay is being cut (as are, also, many workers themselves,) CEO and upper level executive pay continues to rocket skyward (paper pushing, policy making, and deciding who to give raises to and who to fire is really hard work) and overseas accounts have become such a problem that legislation to address them has caused some to hire more overseas investment counselors to find other ways to avoid keeping that money in the USA.  Send the money overseas, send the jobs overseas, and spend more time on the seas on the yacht.

And a year ago, with the tax cuts set to expire (by law,) some said let them expire, others cried that would constitute a tax increase, and still others said a "for real" tax increase is exactly what is needed.

But wait, along came a slight problem with funding the government, one that threatened the triple-A rating of the USA, and one party said they would only agree to a resolution to permit the government to continue its operations (and at the very last minute, at that) if the other party agreed to extend the tax cuts for two more years.  Aside from the fact that this was simply blackmail, on a grand scale, a blackmail agreed to by both the blackmailers and the blackmailees, does this make any sense at all?  Why did the Republicans make such demands?  Why did the Democrats agree to those demands?  Intransigence from one side would seem to require the same from the other, or at least some modicum of mutual benefit in the resolution.

Question:  Since the tax cuts did not, in any way, shape, or form, do what they were purported to do, how is it that some expect us to believe them when they tell us what we need now is more tax cuts (and cuts in government spending, throwing countless government workers and contractors into the job market, to boot, not exactly providing more jobs and growing the economy?)  Someone must think the American People are all dolts, or worse.  That being the case, perhaps those "dolts" should speak loudly in the next general election.  And they might, if the premise "If you tell the same lie over and over, soon it will be believed to be the truth" fails to hold water--and it will fail to hold water if the American People are not, in fact, dolts.

The only thing that could cause problems with this line of thinking is the possibility that that premise about the lie might be just a bit true.  It should be remembered that the Roberts (Supreme) Court has ruled that corporations, unlike real people, may spend as much as they wish to influence elections in any way they wish.  Of course, we know how those well endowed individuals, the ones who own and/or otherwise control the large corporations in our country, will direct the funds from those corporations.  The tax cut lie, and lies supporting those who are running for election to maintain that tax cut lie, and, of course, the Big Lie that our current President is not doing his job, just might be told in advertisements on almost every web site, on almost every channel, on every TV set, and over every radio incessantly from now till the next election (try Fox News for a preview) making the message from those well endowed individuals the de-facto message of the land.  How will Mr. and Ms. Taxpayer come close to matching funds being spent by those well endowed individuals acting under the cover of their Supreme Court enabled corporations?  One man, one vote may be true, but some well endowed individuals will obviously have much, much more control than anyone else in the land when it comes to spreading their message and promoting their candidates.   

Doesn't the Constitution have provisions for recalling individuals that fail to perform their duties in reasonable manners?  Should our Supreme Court Justices, the ones who voted to enable the control of our elections by our well endowed corporation controllers, be brought to task under those provisions? 

Should they be required to step down?

If so, when?

I know one thing for sure:  If I keep spouting off like this, it will be assumed that I am a card-carrying Democrat--not the independent I claim to be.  The truth is, I maintain that claim, even while writing things like this that appear to contradict that claim. The problem is, my independent assessment is that the party of no is doing the country, as a whole, no good.  And, it appears to me that their current mantra--no taxes for the wealthy, less government for everyone--will soon be serving their masters and themselves poorly, too.  Checks and balances in government are needed.  What is not needed are terminal checks to government and interminable balances to the rich.

It is often said that the rich use their money to buy votes.  Considering campaign expense requirements, it appears some voters on the hill may also be using their votes to buy donations. Symbiosis made in political heaven, I'd say.  And, are the Republicans the only ones in this hunt?  No--they are just the most obvious.

Lieberman for President!