Sunday, July 25, 2021

Weekend, again?


Weekend, again?  A good thing.

Well, one more time, I guess.  What's interesting is, being "retired," every day is just one more day--no time off from the nine to five for us--and that could be a problem until we come up with a foolproof method to be sure we know exactly what the day might be.  So far what I've found in the stores are items that give the date and time.  Fine, I guess, but the day of the week is what I really need to see when I awaken.  Why?  Well things are just a bit different on the weekends: different TV, different people walking down the street, different whatever.  

Walking in the morning, I am liable to see the usual bunch of older (well, "old," if that's better) people I see almost every day.  Add-ons are also there in the AM, though, there on our weekends, people who I usually see in the early evening at the end of the workday of those 5 day periods that we usually have every week.  Which, I guess, is one way a "retiree" might use to recognize the advent of that weekly weekend.   

A problem?  Not at all!  Most of us enjoy the working crew who might be up a bit earlier than we might expect, those that will be in that group will usually have a child or two in their walking group.  Those who do not walk with their children just may be the ones who will enjoy their sleep-ins after a Saturday (or Friday) night that everyone just "Loves!"  Not really a problem to we usual morning walkers, of course.  And, unless we happened to be among those who got married very early after our High School careers, this just may be something we would not have noticed at all.  “Live and learn” is a quote many if not most of us can relate to quite well.

In any case, that’s just the way it is, most weeks, anyway.