Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Another Rainy Day

Well, looks like today will be a bit drippy. Not a problem, probably a good thing, this being a little less that one week from the first day of Spring, 2020! Need the rain to give the plants the boost they need in the near future. Could be a good Spring, maybe even a good Summer. I sure hope so, in any case.

I have a little grow starter set up in the garage. Bought it about a year ago, and started to start it a couple of months ago, then forgot about it. Need to start it, for real, real soon, though--if it is to be of use to we Geddi this mid spring and summer, which is when we could have a crop or so of whatever (I really don’t know!) Tomatos? Squash? TGreens? YES! Yes! yes! Or, perhaps, yes!, Yes!, YES! In any case, that is my hope. Now if I can only get my Lazy B up outta this chair and into my backyard, I just may turn my thinking into our eating. Or so I hope. Check with me in about a month, OK?

Whoever said “Hope springs eternal from the human breast,” really knew what he or she was talking about!

A little late for Morningbrain--but, what the Hey!

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