Tuesday, March 31, 2020

City of Aiken Helps!

What’s happening today? Well, all things considered, it being just 3:30 PM, and wife and I are in our living room watching “The Virginian,” not much is going on here in Aiken. This AM though, we had a visit by a City-endorsed contractor to get our backyard forest trimmed just a bit (something we had looked at with a couple of other contractors but had not done due to the prices we were quoted.)

This is interesting. We had discussed getting the back yard bush hogged but had been given prices that were outlandish. The City had a contractor who gave a price to do the exact work we were looking to have done for a pretty reasonable price--$275, to wit, and when we found out about this, after a city inspector wrote us a letter saying we were out of compliance with our backyard maintenance, and mentioning the given price to get the work done, we were happy to be “out of compliance.” The work was done this morning, and the price was paid. The City was happy, the contractor was happy, and, best of all, we were happy too!

Well, wonder what else we might want to get done on our property that the City might be able to help with? Interesting.

Need work done? Our City might be able to help!


  1. One thing else that's happening today is that virus is still running free in our world. And it's killing people. We are all advised to keep our distance from one another and do whatever else we might be able to do to avoid the little viri, and that is what most of us are doing. Some, though are really worried. Seems their jobs are negatively impacted by the corona viri and the problems ensuing from them. Hope our scientists come up with the needed corrective measures, and soon!

  2. Just looked at this post and see where I stated it was 3:30 PM, the system says my post was done at 12:41 PM. Guess the system doesn't run on good 'ole Eastern Standard time! Know that is the reason for the apparent discrepancy. Wonder how things are over on our Pacific coast? That's where the time that I posted was 12:41 PM, according to blogger.
