Tuesday, October 26, 2021

To be a writer--right


To be a writer—right


While walking Stella this morning, I happened to think about what I might be able to do to spend a little time being productive.  Seems like I often end up watching the same old things on the tube and getting nothing at all done.  Could I write productively?   I wonder. 


Well, I did do that autobiography.  Of course, that was an attempt to do something while being forced away from my home during the repair time that was needed after the house fire.  And, while I have not exactly raked in a ton of money from the sales of that book (I’m not named Benjamin Franklin is one possible problem here) I have proven to myself, if to no one else, that I can write.  I guess my main topic might be:  What to write next?  But before that, I should remind you that that first book is on Amazon.  Got a few dollars you might be able to spare?  Check out:  https://www.amazon.com/Stephen-V.- Geddes/e/B07F64V892%3Fref=


(And, before I go any further, this program does not allow me to simply post a reference.  I doabove—and then I try to put a period for punctuation and it includes the period in the post.  Ergo, no period!) 


The first thing that comes to mind is to put on my tennis shoes and head for the woods—Hitchcock woods, at that.  I have told myself that would be a topic worthy of exploring and have begun several times to give it a start.  The problem is that is all I have done—give it a start, several times, at that.  So now what?


A good question, wouldn’t you say?  I know what I want to do, and I know what I have done so far, and nothing seems to be enough.  Well, perhaps what I need to do is write out a detailing of what I need to do to write that book. 


The first thing is the title: “Xxxxx xxxxxxxxx.”  (And I will fill in that name, as soon as it is done to the point where its confidentiality need not be protected.)  Easy, right?  Well, you might guess it would be easy if you had been thinking about it for several months.  Which is what I have done.  Now what?  Again, just a bit easy, but not anywhere as easy as I believe at this point.  Nothing to do but begin, I guess.


1)  Table of contents


So far so good, right?  Wrong—the work starts here.  Which is why I will continue this on another post. 


Work?  WORK!! Or so Gilligan would have said.




 So, I’m done for the day.  You can continue on with the next post, though, in a few days, anyway, or so I hope!


Sunday, October 17, 2021

Cousin John is gone

 My question is how and why, cousin?  Was it something in your past that we were not aware of?  The main problem with your leaving is your grandchildren will know nothing about the good man you were.  And your children will not have the benefit of your council from time to time (something we had for many years from our parents, thank God) something they will miss terribly, even if they don't know what it is that they are missing.   And, your cousins will miss having you on those occasions when we all might come together for whatever.  Well, I'd prefer not to get to hug my cousins, your sister, your brother, in the very near future.  Some things are better put off as long as possible, or so I think.  I will miss you.  Even though we did not correspond at all for many years.  My misfortune.  Sorry.  Will pass on to your siblings the fact that I am here if they have any reason to question an old relative.  Sometimes, though, we might be one anothers' best listeners, helpers, comisserateurs.  Sorry.  What else can I say?

Goodbye, cousin John.  Tell your mom and dad I miss them too!

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

My thoughts on a friend's column

Hope you had (or will have) a chance to read Jack DeVine's column in the AikenStandard this week.  He could use a few thoughts from the field, I think, and the AikenStandard would benefit by passing on those thoughts to its readership.  My add-on follows:

Good column.  I agree totally with the implication that our congress is not working properly for the American public when they fail to work together to agree or disagree and make changes to obtain a modicum of agreement on its legislation.  Everything in America is not top-notch, and that is a fact.  I have a very intelligent friend who lives in New Zealand and who is intent on staying there till he passes on.  Why not?  Good medical care, at reasonable prices, good food, good neighbors, and a beautiful environment.  We could do well to send a legislative delegation there, people who need to see how things could be changed here for the better, and people who  are disgusted with this two-sided standoff, failure to work reasonably together, that is our congress.  

If that congress cannot come up with reasonable ways to work together, I think they ALL need to be sent out to pasture and a new group returned to do the work we need them to do.  Republican, Democrat, or whatever be damned!

LIke I said, good column.  What we need, though, are thoughtful people in those positions of power who are dedicated to doing things RIGHT, not just in winning for one side or the other.  Hell, if that one side or another approach were what we took during WWII, we would be living under some sort of Hitler in Europe today.  And wouldn't that be something different?

Considered compromise is what those monkeys in congress have to learn how to do to give all of us a little bit of the benefit of our system of government.  Lacking that, we all are indeed going down the tube--one flush at a time!