Sunday, October 17, 2021

Cousin John is gone

 My question is how and why, cousin?  Was it something in your past that we were not aware of?  The main problem with your leaving is your grandchildren will know nothing about the good man you were.  And your children will not have the benefit of your council from time to time (something we had for many years from our parents, thank God) something they will miss terribly, even if they don't know what it is that they are missing.   And, your cousins will miss having you on those occasions when we all might come together for whatever.  Well, I'd prefer not to get to hug my cousins, your sister, your brother, in the very near future.  Some things are better put off as long as possible, or so I think.  I will miss you.  Even though we did not correspond at all for many years.  My misfortune.  Sorry.  Will pass on to your siblings the fact that I am here if they have any reason to question an old relative.  Sometimes, though, we might be one anothers' best listeners, helpers, comisserateurs.  Sorry.  What else can I say?

Goodbye, cousin John.  Tell your mom and dad I miss them too!

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