Tuesday, October 12, 2021

My thoughts on a friend's column

Hope you had (or will have) a chance to read Jack DeVine's column in the AikenStandard this week.  He could use a few thoughts from the field, I think, and the AikenStandard would benefit by passing on those thoughts to its readership.  My add-on follows:

Good column.  I agree totally with the implication that our congress is not working properly for the American public when they fail to work together to agree or disagree and make changes to obtain a modicum of agreement on its legislation.  Everything in America is not top-notch, and that is a fact.  I have a very intelligent friend who lives in New Zealand and who is intent on staying there till he passes on.  Why not?  Good medical care, at reasonable prices, good food, good neighbors, and a beautiful environment.  We could do well to send a legislative delegation there, people who need to see how things could be changed here for the better, and people who  are disgusted with this two-sided standoff, failure to work reasonably together, that is our congress.  

If that congress cannot come up with reasonable ways to work together, I think they ALL need to be sent out to pasture and a new group returned to do the work we need them to do.  Republican, Democrat, or whatever be damned!

LIke I said, good column.  What we need, though, are thoughtful people in those positions of power who are dedicated to doing things RIGHT, not just in winning for one side or the other.  Hell, if that one side or another approach were what we took during WWII, we would be living under some sort of Hitler in Europe today.  And wouldn't that be something different?

Considered compromise is what those monkeys in congress have to learn how to do to give all of us a little bit of the benefit of our system of government.  Lacking that, we all are indeed going down the tube--one flush at a time!

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