Saturday, October 22, 2022

Blog? Who, ME? well....

 I have a friend, well, I guess a "relative in law" might be an appropriate moniker for my friend, Linda, and she writes letters all the time that are, in my opinion on the order of many of these "Web Logs" that you can find and read anytime you want.  

So, if you know me you will understand why I suggested she take up blogging, but "she don't think so!"  The following is just a small example of why I made my suggestion.  Read it and think about it, and maybe, just maybe it may apply to you, too:

    Steve – thanks for the kind words and I don’t think I would be a good blogger!  I’m sure you can come up with another “work of art!”  Read some of your blog and can totally relate – not from having Alzheimer’s but from being around those who do!  Praying that you are on medication to help slow down the progression.  Hazel was on a couple which did help her and my “pea brain” does not remember the names; but it’s been 13 years since she moved to her eternal home!  So, I’m very sure that there are newer/better options now.  Lots of prayers for all of you …


Ric left early this morning for Ocean Isle to watch 2 of the grandsons play travel baseball; and I’ve managed to finish reading a book; clean-up the kitchen and do some laundry!  None of the “stuff” I had been thinking of doing yesterday, day!  BUT, I did find a set of keys which had been MIA for a couple of days now, to that’s a positive too!  He did go out to play 9-holes with a friend of his the other day in the afternoon  -- he has not played 18 for a very long time.  His right foot has healed up very nicely after the big toe and a good portion of the bone had to be removed because it was infected – and I think that because of him having dealt with neuropathy for YEARS he was not as “challenged” as others with balance.


Staying home for Church is not always a bad thing … and it is definitely better than doing nothing!  Pine Valley UMC’s website is @ and the Pastors there are all very nice.  I also have started listening to Pastor Barry’s Prayer Time on Fridays …


Now, I’ve got to go get at least one thing on the VERY long list behind me!  Just trying to figure out “which thing” will be time-consuming too -- hahaha

And a great big "thank you" to you, Linda!  Sometime you simply "make my day!"

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