Thursday, October 13, 2022

Alzheimers reigns--but...

Sometime my thinking takes me to a place where I would like to go, but haven't.  In any case, that's my thinking today about an email I sent to one of my children.  No real problems here, just an idea I had that I think is worth a post, if you know what I mean.  So, here 'tis!  Guess I could begin with a "Dear Family?"  

"Your mother mentioned the conversation you two had this evening and she is more than just a little interested in following up on this, maybe to make a killing here that would bring in a bit of the big bucks we all would like to see come to our families.  

    "I, too, would like to see something come from your conversation, which was something more than just a little worthwhile.  My problem is my condition does not allow for remembering much of what she told me about your conversation.  At present, though, I am able to do a bit of analytical thinking and am also able to make suggestions and write ups, proposals, e.g., that we might be able to use. I will need to be told exactly what is wanted from me, though.

    "You will have to lead the effort if there is to be an effort.  I am not able.  Neither is your mother, or so I think, but I could be wrong here.  I hope I am wrong, but sometime I wonder if it is just me or if both of us have problems with our thinking equipment.  I don't know, you will have to decide.  Investigate all you can, discuss more with your mother and me, and your siblings, and let me know what you think."

That's it.   So far, no response, or so I think.  Could be I did get a response but it was over the phone and, again, that memory of mine is just not all that good.  Sorry, dear reader.  Any thoughts?  I would appreciate any help anyone might be able to provide.  Alzheimers reigns, I'm afraid.  Wish it were not the case but, but I guess I'll have to live with what I have and you can read what I continue to generate or not, it's all up to you (if you have the time and patience, perhaps, to put up with what I am able to generate.)  We'll see, is all I can say.  

How about that.  Wonder if I might be able to use my diagnosis to the benefit of all of us?  Could be something you might consider--Alzheimers is something, after all, that should be a concern to all who just might be getting a bit older these days.  Think about it....

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