Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Aiken Regal Theatre, American Red Cross, GREAT!

 Just received a mailing from "The Blood Connection"  in Aiken for "Dinner and a Movie!"  GRRREAT!  I usually give blood about once each year.  My yearly time has come around, and I see our local theatre has opted to help out with donations!  WELL, no problem, for sure.  Will drop by the very next ARC blood drive and give!  Would give without the promotion, of course, but, in this case, I say FINE!!!  Thanks Regal Theatre, and thanks American Red Cross for your continued good service to our community!  PostScript: SORRY FOLKS, MADE A MISTAKE HERE.  PLEASE SEE COMMENTS.  SVG  Would have just deleted but I think there is an issue or two here that should be thought about by everyone. Thanks for reading, in any case!

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Whoopi, for You

Watching today's "The View," I'm remembering the first time I saw Whoopi Goldberg on screen.  It was when I was in school, at Ga. Tech, and when my date and I decided to go to one of the closest movie theaters to my school.  It was a well advertized movie, and it was the first time, I think, anyone might have seen Whoopi,  And, what was said is the only thing I remember about that movie:  One of the "stars" was leaning over little girl Whoopi and the line she said was, "Girl, you is uggggly...!!!"  

The movie was titled "The Color Purple."  And that line is the only thing I remember from it.  That and the fact that the line waiting to get into the Fox Theatre was quite long, the weather was quite cool, and the only thing about the other people in the line was their complections, which (other than, perhaps, those of maybe two other couples) were definitely not like mine!

Quite a movie!  And Whoopie is still with us!  Just as ugly as she was then (which was no more a truth then than it is now!  Whoopie was, and still is, Great!)

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Cruise missiles to Ukraine

 Ukraine needs to be able to retaliate.  A cruise missile to the Kremlin would do it--NON-Nuclear, though!

Sunday, December 18, 2022

OWN A DOG? Read this!

I've used them before, but this Seresto Sux!

As do, in this instance, WALMART, and BAYER.  Sorry, guys, but your ad, on the can-at that, was incorrect.  8 months?  Not even 5!

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Just "Walkin'"

Well, I started out to make a post and then decided to add onto it, and this GD program deleded everything.  Shi--y program!

Let me try again!

My initial post, which this damn program deleted, spoke of the song "Just walkin' in the rain" and elucidated just a bit,  I guess what I need to do is prepare my entry separately, then add it here. And instead of adding anythng later, I will rewirte, then repost.  Damn program!

Oh, well, here goes again:

"Just walkin' in the rain, Gettin' soakin' wet, Hopin' things would change, Just-a tryin' to forget" is the first line of an old song, a very good old song, that I remember from way back, say in the fifties of our last century in my book, or so I think, and it's well worth anyone taking a look.  Pretty sure it can be found with a google search.  No matter, though, the reason for even bringing it up is I tried, unsuccessfully, to get my dog Stela to go out back this morning to do what we all usually need to do on first getting up.  Well that is, of course, what most of us need to do.  But would she do what I was suggesting to do?  NO!  Oh well, after about a half hour of suggesting to her that she would be more comfortable after going out back, and noticing that the rain had let up considerably, I put on my jacket and got the leash.  This was something she obviously wanted me to do.

Soon we were doing our thing on our city streets adjacent to our house.  And, the needed squat was made, and shortly tereafter, a well needed daily discharge was also made.  As I collected that very fertile item from a neighbor's yard, I thought about what the problem might have been.  Maybe my trusty accomplice was thinking a bit beyond my thoughts.  Maybe she was thinking, "What if I were to want to chase a squirrel in our back yard and on so doing were to step into "THAT?"

Well, dear dog, perhaps if that was what your thinking was, perhaps waiting till we were taking our walk was a very good idea!

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Sweet Violets

Today, around noonish, I took my trusty doggie on one of our usual walks around the neighborhood. She is one to look around as we walk and while approaching Azalea Place, she walked in a ditch at the side of the road and as I watched I saw a beautiful little flower! Which brought on an old tune which I hadn't even thought about--much less sung--in a long, long time--but today? That's just what I did! See if you remember the tune: The words of the song are below! Love it! . . There once was a farmer who took a young miss, In back of his barn where he gave her a lecture On chickens and horses and eggs, And told her that she had such beautiful manners That suited a girl of her charms, A girl he could take in his washing and ironing And then if she did, they could get married and raise lots of: . . Sweet vi-o-lets! Sweeter than all the roses! Covered all over from head to toe, Covered all over with Sweet vi-o-lets...! . . Think I'll have to tune up the old guitar and see about making another entry in my singing section ( Such a neat old tune!

Monday, December 5, 2022

Just to decide?

I have several possibilities for type settings:  this is "Normal."

This, on the other hand, is "Medium."

And this, is "Large."


Will have to look at the post!

And then will select!