Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Whoopi, for You

Watching today's "The View," I'm remembering the first time I saw Whoopi Goldberg on screen.  It was when I was in school, at Ga. Tech, and when my date and I decided to go to one of the closest movie theaters to my school.  It was a well advertized movie, and it was the first time, I think, anyone might have seen Whoopi,  And, what was said is the only thing I remember about that movie:  One of the "stars" was leaning over little girl Whoopi and the line she said was, "Girl, you is uggggly...!!!"  

The movie was titled "The Color Purple."  And that line is the only thing I remember from it.  That and the fact that the line waiting to get into the Fox Theatre was quite long, the weather was quite cool, and the only thing about the other people in the line was their complections, which (other than, perhaps, those of maybe two other couples) were definitely not like mine!

Quite a movie!  And Whoopie is still with us!  Just as ugly as she was then (which was no more a truth then than it is now!  Whoopie was, and still is, Great!)

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